Morning cloud - Love story

Will go to Dhaka to take admission test in the morning. This time he passed the HSC exam. He passed with distinction with star marks including letters in three subjects. Brightened the face of school and family. Hurry up and get out or it will be too late. The bus will arrive at 5 in the afternoon, so everything must be arranged now. A small box contained all the necessary documents. He opens the box and takes out all the documents, which he needs and which he doesn't need. Paper by paper made all the houses single. Suddenly his eyes fell on a book and stopped. The book is written by famous novelist Zahirul Milan "Prithivir Alo". Even though the book looks somewhat dirty due to the dust, there is an unknown love on it. The morning turned out to be a bit uneventful. The left side of the chest was twisted. A few drops of pearly tears fell on the book in a sudden burst of tears. The stupid mind cried. Next to the blood and tears stained t-shirt. Unable to control himself, he took the t-shirt and looked at the blood-soaked place again and again, kissing and crying. After that, he took control of himself and took the book in his own hand and gently wiped it with a corner of his shirt and hugged it to his chest with a kiss. My heart started to break and my eyes started to cry. Wipe your eyes and see the book in front of your eyes. That old memory surfaced. The year was 2000. Mid August Passed SSC in the morning and just got admitted in college. The house is far from the city so I have to study from the hostel. On the first day of college, I saw an extraordinary beauty. She looks like a fairy in the fairy tale. Samak is a bit shy and doesn't talk to any girl easily. But after seeing the girl he liked it very much. He wanted to speak but he didn't have the courage. Within a few days he became a few friends. He became very close to everyone as they moved together. One day in class with friends Everyone was looking for a place to sit on the campus together. Morning suddenly heard a woman's voice. "Where are you going this Murtaza? Come here”. That girl looked in the morning. He asks – “Who is he? Do you know him?” Murtaza says - "O! Have you not met him? And our friend Megh. We studied in the same school. Very good girl". - Coming Murtaza replied as he spoke. Then he moves forward with the morning. I didn't want to go in the morning. Murtaza somehow forcibly took him there. Murtaza went there and introduced him sitting next to them. "Our Friend Morning". “Morning! Very nice name!” The girl said with a smile. Shame has not raised his head yet. As if he had committed a great crime. The girl asked him - "Why are you keeping your head down?" The morning did not say anything. "I am the cloud, Zahira Mehzabin Megh”. The girl raised her hand towards the morning. Don't know what to do in the morning. "What are you doing this morning? Why are you ashamed? They are all my friends". Murtaza said a little surprised. Samak now raised his trembling hand towards Megh and said “I am morning, Jahin Shahriar is morning”. This morning he looked at the clouds well. That day saw from afar. Not seen well. She is really beautiful. Long eyes, two lips like rose petals, A tuft of jet black hair fell down to his hips. She is a unique beauty that anyone will fall in love with at first sight. "There is nothing to be ashamed of us. We are your friends." Suddenly he regained consciousness at Megh's words. He just nodded in agreement. There was a lot of talk between them and then everyone left for their homes. Day after day passes. Morning and Megh's relationship started getting closer. They reached out to you like friends. As if the morning and the cloud could not see each other for a day. So they have to come to college every day. The morning has changed a lot. He couldn't stop talking now. He now speaks more than anyone else. The gathering of friends is fun with the various stories. He loves Megh a lot in his heart. Megh is not the one who does not love the morning. He and the mind have reserved a rightful place for the morning. Sakala and Megh both came very close to each other, but neither expressed their love for each other could not In fact, they did not dare. If there is a misunderstanding between them, both of them think. If no one accepts this relationship then no one wants to move forward fearing that the friendship will be ruined. All friends know that they love each other. Only the two of them don't know that their friends all know their thoughts. "I'll meet you in the library after class today". In the morning Megh goes to college and says. Why? "There is talk". "Say now". "Come to the library and listen." Morning nodded and indicated yes. Then Megh went to class with a smile. Went to class in the morning. At the end of the class, morning and Megh came to the library on time. Then he saw a quiet place and sat face to face. "What happened crazy? asked the cloud. In the morning, he said a little, "Megh, I don't understand what to say." I am wondering what you will think again". "No more pretending. Shame on you again! ” said the cloud in a sarcastic tone. "I mean no. Shall I say something?" "You don't have to make excuses anymore. Say whatever you want to say. You say something and I will not keep it! So what happens?” “True! Will you keep my word?” “Hey, okay, I'll keep it. Do not say now I will leave?" "To tell you the truth, the morning stops a little. “Again? I went." As he was about to get up, morning held his hand. "I love you so much" Megh looked back. Says morning with face down. “What! What did you say! Say it again." But in the morning he sits like a fool with his head down. And the cloud started to smile. Then he stood in front of the morning and raised his chin with his hand and said "Ole Babale Khoka has got shame. Look at me. Look." The morning now looks at the clouds. But didn't say anything. "I love you too". After hearing this, Sakha could not believe his own ears. He hugged Megh with emotion and said, "Do you really love me? yes, true, true, true I just couldn't tell you out of fear”. "Hey Fazil, did you know about yourself from me before?" "I've done enough, fixed I have known your mind before." "We already know". Suddenly hearing such words, the two were scared like seeing ghosts and looked back to see his friends blinking and laughing. "Isn't it the color of love sitting here? Murtaza comes to say. -We've heard it all. Hearing this, both of them turned red with shame. As if you can escape. Since then, the path of the two became one. Whether anyone visits the college campus or not, this loving couple is a must-see. Everyone in the college knew how much Morning and Megh loved each other. They loved each other so much that they didn't believe anyone who said anything bad about them. Many have tried to crack their relationship but they don't heed their words. So no one bothers them anymore. Rather help if you can. They understand that their love is so strong that no one can break it. While going home after the class, Megh called the morning and said "Tomorrow a little early." Come to college. “Why? "I'll tell you later. And listen, from tomorrow you and not you will talk. Will you remember? “Okay, well. The two of them walked home laughing. Megh's house is not far from the college. Just a little bit away from Murtaza and Sokal's mess. It is a five minute walk. Saqal and Murtaza live in the same mess. At first, Murtaza lived, then after becoming friends with Sagal, he was brought near. Both are passionate about each other. Murtaza's village home is in a small village of Jhenaidah. He came from there and studied in the same school with Megh. So they are very good friends since then. The next morning he woke up early, washed his hands and face and sat down to read but could not concentrate on reading. Just to go to college again and again, the mind started to get depressed. Got up after breakfast and started preparing to go to college. 

Murtaza was still sleeping so he left without calling her to go to college alone. He reached the college on foot. No one has come to college yet. However, the main gate of the college remains open. Inside the college, the morning was startled. The cloud has come to college this morning! Today is no longer protected. He stood quietly. Seeing the morning, the cloud stood back in pride. Morning went closer to Meghera and held her hand and said - 'It's late, honey.' 'It's late honey.' Megh frowned and repeated the morning's words. "I have been waiting for him ever since and now he has come." "Alright madam, it's never too late. This ear is catching, nose is catching". In a moment, Megh took hold of Sagal's hand and said in a gentle tone, "Morning, you may not know that all my meditation and knowledge is you. I'm afraid if you're out of sight, I'll lose you from my life. If you're gone, I won't live anymore. never leave me Give me the word”. "Well, I promise I won't lose you anywhere. Tell me my soul why I will leave you”. Morning hugged the cloud and said "I will keep you in my chest for the rest of my life." I will not get lost anywhere. Megh put her head on morning's chest and said “I will never leave you. I am only yours, only yours”. There will be no place for anyone else in this mind. You are the sole claimant of this mind, and the right is yours, and no one else's. Morning gently held Megh's face in both hands and said, "I know you are mine and nobody else's, I am also yours nobody else's." Now tell me what work you said?" “Oh! I forgot about that." Wrapping the bag with your hand, it looks like a book and a shopping bag. Then he moved forward and said, "This is my first gift to you." I had so many things to give you but this is my small gift to make today special. A book of my choice and a white t-shirt of your choice. just for you Morning reached out and took it and kissed Megh's forehead and said, “Crazy one, so much for that! ". The day of HSC 1st year final examination (year final) is approaching. Exams are not long. Everyone is busy reading books day and night at the reading table. In the morning too, too much pressure to read. After college classes and tutoring, the day ends. The night falls in his great arms. In the same way, the sleep of the kingdom falls on the eyes of the morning. One has to sit on the reading table to avoid sleep. How much do students have to do for good results. I think in the morning and read like this every night. In the morning the computer is on his reading table looking for suggestions. But he was nowhere to be found on his table. Agatya asked Murtaza while looking for something else to do, "This Murtaza read my computer suggestion, did you take it?" "No, I didn't take it, you didn't give it to Zahid that day. your head is gone See a doctor. " "It's human to make mistakes, I asked one thing and he told me that much. Both of them burst out laughing. "Listen to this Murtaza, This evening, I will go to Zahid's mess and bring the suggestion, how about that?" "Okay" agreed Murtaza. Megh wore the t-shirt this morning. Wore it for the first time today, not even a day after giving it as a gift. That's why Mortaza's Tippuni brand smile did not escape the eyes of the morning. Meghad's house two/three houses before morning friend Zahid's mess. Zahid is accompanied by morning friends Rajeev, Kamal and Rahat. In the evening Murtaza went to Zahid's mess in the morning and began to scold Zahid. Later Zahid cooled him down with a lot of pleading. Zahid apologized for forgetting to give the suggestion. Then a long time passed in the story. It's time to get up. But suddenly they heard cries and screams. What happened to everyone in the morning, let's go out and see who is crying. In the morning, everyone said "Let's go" and came out. looking around, He tried to hear where the sound of crying was coming from. Zahid said - "Crying may be coming from that side of Meghad's house. Let's go and see. What happened to whom?" All those who spoke followed the sound of crying. He went and stopped in front of Megh's house. The sound of crying was coming from Megh's house. They saw a crowd of people. They all entered the house. Before entering the morning Saba asked a person - "What is happening here?" Why are they crying?" At that time, one said - "Our cloud has been cut by a snake". As soon as the name of the cloud was spoken, the morning's head turned, The head throbbed. Morning's eyes lit up as Murtaza patted Morning's back. The morning could not stay any longer and pushed forward the crowd of people. Go and see that the cloud is writhing in pain on a checkpoint. They are surrounded by the women of their house. A woman is crying next to her, maybe her mother. Because morning has never seen her mother before. Seeing the morning, the clouds howled and cried. I couldn't even stay in the morning. He sat near his head next to his post. He held Megh's hand in chanting. Couldn't say anything, just looked at each other and started crying. Water began to flow in the eyes of both. The morning just said - "How did this happen?" Megh said with great difficulty, "I was sitting at home and reading, suddenly a snake bit my leg." It was very difficult for him to say. Feeling this pain, morning asked Megh to keep quiet. And asked Murtaza to bring the doctor. Murtaza went out. Megh started saying very hard - "I could see you at the end of my life, now my head is in your lap My happiness even if I die. Morning put his hand on Megh's face and told him to be quiet. Megh interrupted him and said - "My time is over in the morning." Let me speak my mind for the last time”. "Are you crazy? shut up nothing will happen to you I will not let you disappear from my life”. “Morning, don't be crazy. I had great hope to be by your side for the rest of my life. That hope was not fulfilled. I couldn't be yours. One day I said I am only yours. No one else possesses this mind. But today everything changed. I couldn't keep my word. Forgive me and remember me no more”. The morning couldn't stay any longer and said in a tearful voice, "Cloud, you can't leave me Who will I live with? I am alone without you." The cloud holds the hand of the morning. Gradually his voice is getting dull. Words started to blur. The whole body is turning blue due to poison. He started moaning in pain. Still, he held the morning's hand tightly and said - "Morning hold my head tightly in your chest". The morning held his head gently in his chest like a cloud. The cloud no longer has the power to speak. Slowly he is getting dull. Blood started coming out with foam from the mouth. Morning began to wipe it repeatedly with his t-shirt. There was no other word, only the two looked at each other, tears started flowing in their eyes. Megh stared at the morning. Then he smiled with difficulty. Morning looked at that smiling face. A stream of water began to flow down the corner of Megh's eye. The cloud became dull. Tears fell all around. The frozen body of the cloud like a dumb morning He sat on his chest. The book was carefully put in the bag and after staring blankly at the blood-stained love on the T-shirt, he put it in the bag and packed the bag. Then he went out with his bag on his neck and started looking at the blue sky trying to find something. Now it's time to move on, so the morning went to its destination. How many memories, how much love, how many pains and how many cries are calling from behind. Without looking at it, he moved forward and left everything behind in the morning.

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