There is no dearth of vegetables in our grain green Bengal. If you go to the market in front of the house, you will see colorful vegetables in a line. Patal, Jinge, Uchche, Dhyanda, Danta… the list is endless. And each of these vegetables is packed with nutrients. So I want to have vegetables every day.
According to experts, vegetables are rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants. All these elements together make up for nutritional deficiencies in the body. It even helps to stay away from various diseases.
However, it is sad to say that such useful vegetables cannot be eaten in large quantities. If you play in excessive amount, the 'attendance' in the body will tell you some terrible diseases.
1. Not a lot of carrots

Carrot is a very useful vegetable. This vegetable has multiple qualities. It is rich in vitamin A. So if you want to take care of your eyes, carrots can be your daily companion. However, carrots should not be eaten in excess. This can lead to a disease called carotenemia. In this disease the skin color becomes yellow. Actually, this problem occurs due to excess amount of beta carotene in the blood. So don't eat too many carrots.
2. Eating more beans like food is heartier!

Now many people are used to eating bean curries. It is rich in protein. Beans can also meet fiber and mineral needs. So eating beans is very beneficial. However, beans contain a substance called phytoemagglutinin. Stomach problems can occur if this material reaches the body in large quantities. It can also cause nausea or vomiting . So it is better not to eat beans in excess.
3. Danger lurks in the pan

Tell me who does not like to eat curry beans? So it is widely used in various interesting positions. But you will be surprised to know that even if you eat a lot of curry, it can cause problems. According to research, curry is a food with high glycemic index. So eating more of these vegetables increases blood sugar quickly. As a result , don't make the mistake of eating too much curry powder if it contains sugar . There is a risk of reverse effects.
4. Don't eat too much corn

Maize has multiple qualities. It contains beneficial vitamins, minerals and polyphenols. So corn helps us to stay away from various physical problems. But you will be surprised to know that even corn should not be eaten in large quantities. It contains a small phytonutrient called phytate. This ingredient prevents the body from absorbing zinc, iron and selenium. As a result, there is a risk of nutritional deficiency in the body. So it is better not to eat more than 1 corn a day.
5. Eating too much eggplant will increase the risk

Eggplant is our daily vegetable. Fried eggplant, fried eggplant is the favorite term of many. But you will be surprised to know that even if you eat a large amount of eggplant, multiple complications can develop in the body. This vegetable is rich in solanine. This ingredient can cause various gastrointestinal issues. In other words, brinjal increases the incidence of stomach problems. It also contains calcium oxalate which can cause kidney stones. So it is better to eat less of these vegetables.