Things that are important for safe motherhood

830 mothers die every day in the world due to pregnancy and childbirth complications. 99% of deaths occur in developing countries. Like every year this year (May 28) is being celebrated globally as Safe Motherhood Day. This year's theme is 'Take prenatal care during the corona virus, prevent maternal death and infant mortality'.Safe motherhood

What does safe motherhood mean?
Safe motherhood is the measure taken to provide high quality services for the health of mother and child. The main objective of these measures is to reduce maternal mortality and prevent neonatal deaths and long-term morbidity.

Safe motherhood encompasses a range of initiatives, practices, document trusts, service delivery guidelines to maximize the health of mothers, babies and infants.

Safe motherhood was declared at the Nairobi Conference in Kenya in 1987. Its main objective was to reduce maternal mortality by 50% by 2000.

Bangladesh approved this in 1997. In 2015, the World Health Organization included this initiative in sustainable development.

Respectful care, trust, freedom to make one's own health decisions, and providing needed high-quality medical care are exemplary inclusions.

The recruitment of midwifery, and the inclusion of development cooperatives are considered to be another exemplary step.

Among the methods of service delivery are-

Not too little, not too late, not too much, not too soon. Procedures are followed and accepted.

Safe motherhood programs are managed by the government, development partners such as WHO, UNFPA, UNICEF, IPPFF, WORLD BANK AND POPULATION CONTROL.

From 2000 to 2017, the maternal mortality rate decreased by 38%.

Maternal mortality rates in developing countries are unbearable. Women's rights are human rights.

In our country, the maternal mortality rate is 165 out of every 100,000 deliveries. Bringing the maternal mortality rate to 70 per 100,000 deliveries in 2030 sustainable development.

3 Important Strategies for Safe Motherhood

1. Provision of health care in the community

2. Increasing referral benefits

3. Improving communication

6 Pillars of Safe Motherhood

1. Family planning

2. Care of the mother during pregnancy

3. Maternal and Neonatal Services

4. Postnatal care

5. Post-abortion care

6. STD/HIV/AIDS control.

Family Planning: Every couple should be provided with information and services as needed. When you can take children, how many children you can take and after how long you should be informed and the procedures should be informed.

Care during pregnancy: Complications during pregnancy should be diagnosed as soon as possible and treated appropriately. Iron pills, vitamins and vaccinations should be given.

Postnatal and Neonatal Services: Delivery should be done by a skilled doctor/midwife during delivery and should be clean and safe. Services should be in place for high risk mothers.

Essential Antenatal and Neonatal Services – Emergency care at this stage should be well organized in two stages.

Basic emergency care: At this stage, assistance in recovery, antibiotics, treatment of convulsions are provided to newborns.

Comprehensive Emergency Care: At this stage, facilities for cesarean section, blood(blood) transfusion should be available.

Postpartum care: Counseling on exclusive breastfeeding, family planning methods, and warning signs of danger to the baby.

Post Abortion Care: Prevention of abortion complications is the main objective. Prevention and treatment measures are taken. Family planning procedures should be communicated before discharge from the hospital.

STD/HIV/AIDS control should be in place.

At this stage screening, risk of future infection and counseling should be available.

leading cause of maternal mortality

1. direct

2. Indirect

direct cause

A) Bleeding- Complications of abortion during pregnancy and after delivery are one of the causes of maternal death.

b) infection

c) High blood pressure

D) Obstetric complications

A) Unsafe abortion.

indirect cause

A) Delay in 3 stages – decision to seek service, delay in reaching hospital and delay in delivery of service.

b) If there is no facility to reach the hospital.

c) Poverty.

d) Cultural practice.

6 pillars of safe motherhood stand on 3 foundations. For example-

1. Women's rights and education

2. Gender equality

3. Primary health care.

Taking the pillars and foundations of safe motherhood activities, improving services, having guidelines and appropriate research will help reduce maternal mortality and reach the goal of sustainable development.

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