Know the causes and remedies for genital itching

Causes and remedies for genital itching. Home remedies for genital itching are possible. If you have an infection, it is good to clean your private parts with curd occasionally. 

The ingredients present in yogurt are able to remove bacteria from that place. Similarly, there are some other home remedies that are effective for both men and women. Let's take a look at why your hands tend to itch again and again.Genital itching Common Causes for Vulval and Vaginal Burning & Itchiness

1. Stress
Stress increases the likelihood of genital itching. In women it causes worse or recurrent vaginal itching.

2. Menopause
Menopause is a factor in lowering estrogen levels. This thins the vaginal wall and reduces lubrication, resulting in genital itching.

3. Dry Skin
Dry skin is a common problem. Skin needs moisture to stay supple and the older you get, the more difficult it becomes to maintain skin moisture.

4. Yeast Infection
Yeast infection or thrush is a common problem. This infection is caused by a fungal organism called Candida albicans. A white curd-like discharge is also seen in association with yeast infections. It can be caused by antibiotics, birth control pills, pregnancy, menstruation, condom use, sexual intercourse, diabetes and weak immune system.

5. Chemical irritants
Chemical irritants such as laundry soaps, fabric softeners, feminine sprays, scented sanitary towels, ointments, creams, douches, or contraceptive foams or gels can also cause genital itching.

6. Yogurt coating
A patti should be soaked in yogurt for an hour. After that, the pad coated with this curd should be well applied on the vagina and washed off after 15 minutes. This is another home remedy.

7. Mix 2 tablespoons of apple
cider vinegar with warm water and wash the genitals well. Men should use this mixture twice a week to get relief from genital itching.

Apply ice or ice-cold water for immediate relief from ice itch. This remedy is very effective at night when the itching is very intense.

9. Bath in salt water
Mix 4 tablespoons of salt in the bath water or in the bathtub. You should soak yourself in that water for at least half an hour. In less than a week, this salt is able to destroy water-infecting bacteria. This is also a home remedy for genital itching.

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