Learn 11 good habits to prevent disease

There is no alternative to increase the immunity of the body to stay healthy. If the immune system is low, a person can easily get any disease. I understand very well the importance of increasing the immune system in this time of corona epidemic. Today I will tell you 11 good habits to prevent disease. Let's find out.disease

1. Wake up in the morning and drink about three glasses of water on an empty stomach. Then lie down in shabasana ie without a pillow and spread your arms and legs for 10 minutes. Then do not eat or drink for 35 minutes. It is better to drink 2 glasses of water half an hour before eating and 2 glasses after 1 hour.

2. Fasting once a week is good to keep the stomach clean.

3. Walk briskly for 45 minutes in the open every day; If not at once, then several times. Also, do at least 1 hour of physical labor every day, especially housework.

4. Breathing exercise (Exercise) or what is called pranayama in yoga, do it whenever you get time. By doing this, the entire respiratory system including the lungs will be strong. Also, don't forget to practice some yoga asanas on an empty stomach every day according to your age and physical condition.

5. Always sit upright i.e. keep the spine straight. Do not sit in one position for more than an hour, stand up or take a short walk. Do not curl your head while sleeping. Sleep upright on a hard bed or on your right side. It will not stress the heart.

6. Fill one-third of your daily meals with cooked food and the rest with fruits and vegetable salads. It is better not to use oil in cooking. However, you can add mustard oil or extra virgin olive oil without heating it in bharta and salad. Stay away from all types of food and drinks made with white sugar and flour.

7. It is good to eat 7 kinds of vegetables and 7 kinds of fruits every day. Vegetables and fruits often contain pesticides and other harmful chemicals. So if you soak all kinds of vegetables and fruits in water for 3 hours, you can get a lot of protection from these poisons. Besides, eat some amount of ginger, raw turmeric and pepper together every day. Eat raw onion, green pepper and a few cloves of garlic with food in the morning and afternoon.

8. Cook and eat thin soup of mugdal without oil every day. It is also good to consume a variety of vegetables such as kalmishak, thankuni, telakucha, pudin, cabbage and laushak and juice of gourd, carrot and beet etc. Ginger juice and honey can be mixed with vegetable juice.

Chewing the fruit is good, but if you want to eat more, you can cut fruits like pineapple, grapefruit, ripe papaya and bungi and mix them with water and juice them in a blender. However, if there is any discomfort or allergies in the body after eating each food item, it is better not to eat that food.

9. Stay away from fried and oily foods and all kinds of drugs including copper.

10. The most important part of the body is the mind. So keep your mind always cheerful. Sincere love for self and others makes this possible. Then you can look at the small mistakes of others with the eyes of forgiveness and be happy.

11. Gas usually accumulates in our stomach at night. It is the source of many toxins in the body. That is why the stomach feels full in the morning and does not feel hungry. Rub the stomach with your hands three times while lying down before breakfast to expel gas. First rub the area around the stomach. Keeping the fingers of the right hand below the navel at the end of the lower abdomen, raise the right side and bring the fingers down to the starting position, coming directly above the navel.

Rub like this 200 times. Then place the fingers of the right hand on the navel and rotate from left to right. Rub like this 200 times. Finally, rub the four fingers of the navel at the point below the navel in the same way 200 times. You can do this stomach rub every time before eating. As it will not accumulate gas in the stomach, you will get proper hunger and constipation will not occur.

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