A healthy breakfast is important to keep the stomach flat

If you do not want to see the middle part of the body, eat breakfast. And that breakfast should have protein and fiber rich food. Many people skip breakfast to lose weight. However, to reduce belly fat, it should be eaten in the morning rather than without eating. Various observations have shown that people who have protein and fiber rich breakfast in the morning have less inflammation in their body. It also reduces the tendency to overeat throughout the day.stomach

In addition, according to the results of research published in the Journal of Nutrition, those who do not eat breakfast in the morning have the possibility of type-2 diabetes. According to experts, protein control and calorie intake have an effect on belly fat, so it is important to pay attention to them to keep a flat stomach.

Look at the long term

"There's no magic food for a flat stomach," says Tracey Krawczyk, nutritionist at the UK's Grain Foods Foundation and founder of Foodwell Strategies.

Breakfast helps in long term weight loss.

In a report published on the health website 'Itthis.com', he further suggested, “Good habits lead to better results in the future. Therefore, eating fiber-rich foods, lean proteins, fruits and vegetables for breakfast keeps the stomach full for a long time and reduces the need for additional food intake.”

Nutritious breakfast

Eating a nutritious breakfast in the morning helps to keep the stomach full throughout the day.

Lisa Young, author of the book 'Finally Fat, Finally Slim' and a US nutritionist, says, "Eating nutritious food in the morning does not require overeating."

Since the stomach is full, there is no need for an extra snack before lunch.

"Eat a nutritious breakfast that includes protein, healthy fats, and fiber, which keep you full longer and give you energy. Breakfast can include eggs, oatmeal, fruit, nut butters, whole grain breads and vegetables."

Vegetable-heavy breakfasts

'Beach Body Super Trainer' Autumn Calabrese believes breakfast is key to boosting metabolism.

The author of the book 'Lose Weight Like Crazy Even If You Have a Crazy Life' adds, “Keeping your metabolism active is essential to keep your stomach flat. And breakfast helps improve it.”

He recommends eating every hour or two.

Said, "I have seen doctors tell to eat fiber heavy vegetable food for breakfast. They help increase metabolism by up to 16 percent.”

He also advises, “Instead of processed foods – muffins, cereals and pancakes, you can eat vegetables, tofu, nuts and seeds. Adding vegetable ingredients to meals is beneficial.”

So definitely not potato.

Adequate protein intake

Although the practice of mixing artificial protein tablets or powder with water is not very common in our country, it is better to be careful about this.

Because in this era of globalization, it was seen that the popularity of taking 'protein powder' has started in this country.

"Most of these foods are processed," said David Sutter, a registered fitness and nutrition expert with the National Association of Sports Medicine. So if you want to keep your stomach flat, you should pay attention to taking natural protein.

Poached eggs or chicken can be excellent.

Drink two glasses of water before breakfast

There is no harm in drinking water in the morning. Studies show that drinking water keeps the stomach full and reduces calorie intake.

It also helps to reduce cravings for sweetened beverages and food. In addition, the feeling of thirst often sends a false sensation of hunger to the brain.

According to a study conducted by the US Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, "Obese adults who drank an ounce of water before breakfast had a 13 percent lower calorie intake."

Drinking water in the morning can also relieve bloating throughout the day.

Alabama-based family physician and author of the book 'Open Heart' Dr. Akil Taherbhai said, "I drink two glasses of hot water every morning before drinking coffee."

He has been doing this on the advice of a specialist to avoid constipation, and has found benefits.

"If you don't feel like drinking water, you can eat fresh bungi, it's a good source of water," said Young.

It contains vitamin A, C, potassium and fiber.

It is good to have two cups of bungi a day. And since it is low in calories, there is no problem in eating as much as you like.

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