Side Effects Tea: Sip hour after hour on a cup of tea? If you know that the danger is approaching, you will give up this addiction immediately!

Addiction to tea is also a disaster. If you drink more than 4 to 5 cups of tea a day, you will get rid of many complex problems. Complications include insomnia, nausea, etc.

A Bengali lives without tea. We need tea from the time we wake up in the morning to the time we go to sleep at night. Without this drink we cannot go for a moment. But you will be surprised to know that several cups of tea a day can actually cause damage to the body. So you need to be careful while touching your lips to the cup of this drink.

According to experts, tea has multiple properties. If this drink is poured down the throat, sleep will disappear, the body will have energy and it will help to calm the mind. That's why there is so much tea drinking around the world.

But even a sharp weapon becomes dull with overuse. This is exactly what happens with tea. Regular consumption of tea is not only beneficial, but also prevents several problems. So drinking more than 4 to 5 cups of tea a day is prohibited. Drinking more than this amount of tea can lead to multiple problems. So there is no other option but to be aware.

1. Inhibits iron absorption

1.  Inhibits iron absorption

Tea contains a lot of tannins. This ingredient is the active ingredient in the tea. Apparently this material does not harm the body. However, this harmless tannin can cause multiple complications in the body if consumed in excess. According to Healthline , drinking too much tea can cause iron deficiency in the body. And if there is a lack of iron, falling into the clutches of anemia is just a matter of time. And if this disease is affected, multiple complications follow.

2. A cause for concern

2.  A cause for concern

Usually we drink tea to relieve anxiety. It has many benefits. However, drinking too much of this drink has the opposite effect. In this case anxiety, worry and restlessness increases several times. No work can be done properly at this time. Fear clings to everything. Therefore, the amount of drinking three types of tea should be reduced. Through this, multiple problems related to brain instability will be brought to the fore.

3. It's twelve o'clock

3.  It's twelve o'clock

During sleep the body goes into 'auto repair' mode. Mental and physical formations take place during this time. The body heals itself. So we need adequate sleep for survival. But you will be surprised to know that drinking too much tea causes sleep disturbances. In fact, tea contains an ingredient called caffeine. If this material reaches the body in excess amount, it causes sleep problems. Even if this happens regularly, problems like insomnia can set in. So be careful.

4. Nausea may follow

4.  Nausea may follow

If you have the habit of drinking tea hour after hour, you can chase several small and big physical problems. And among this list is nausea. Studies have shown that drinking too much tea every day can cause digestive problems. In fact, the tannins present in tea leaves cause digestive disturbances. Due to this, problems like nausea, abdominal pain and bloating subside. So excess tea addiction must be cut. Through this the body can be kept healthy. Otherwise you can get into big trouble.

5. Cause of headache

5.  Cause of headache

Usually everyone drinks tea to relieve headache. This alleviates the problem somewhat. However, drinking too much tea does the exact opposite. In this case, the caffeine present in tea can cause headache. So don't endanger yourself by drinking too much tea. Instead limit yourself to 3 to 4 cups of tea a day. You will benefit from this.

Disclaimer: The report is written for awareness purposes. Consult a doctor before taking any decision.
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