According to nutritionists, this vegetable contains fiber, potassium, magnesium. These beneficial ingredients help lower blood pressure . Doctors say that this fruit also keeps diabetes under control.
How much does it help to lose weight?

Have to run to the office by eight in the morning? Before that, thousands of small and big house works. Do not get much time for exercise after handling all the stress? Don't care, cucumber is there. And available in the market all year round. So there is no problem in eating it daily. You can eat it with salad or raita. Experts say that cucumber contains a lot of water, besides it is very low in calories. Therefore, if you eat it every day, you will lose fat.
How to eat?

You can eat cucumber soup. Cucumber soup can be consumed for weight loss. For this, 3 cucumbers, a bowl of curd, 2-3 spoons of fennel, one cup of cold water and one spoon of lemon juice.
Method: Peel the cucumber and cut them into pieces and blend them well in a blender. Then add the remaining ingredients one by one and blend. When you see that it is well blended, switch off the blender. If you see that the mixture is too thick, then you can mix 1 cup of cold water. Cucumber soup will be ready.
Regulates blood pressure

Cucumbers contain at least 95 percent water. Which helps to keep our body cool. Among them, fiber, potassium and magnesium help reduce high blood pressure. Cucumber also helps in removing skin tan. A piece of cucumber placed in the mouth acts as a bactericide. As a result, bad breath is reduced.
Fills the void of vitamins

Experts believe that cucumber contains most of the vitamins that we need in our daily life. As a result, immunity increases by eating this cheap vegetable. Crushing cucumber with carrots and making juice will also fill the vitamin deficiency.
Increases digestion

Digestion problems can be easily avoided by chewing raw cucumber. Nutritionists say that long-term constipation can be easily removed by eating cucumber regularly.
Gout Diet: Have you omitted all vegetables to reduce uric acid? Keep these in the list, you will get
Disclaimer: This report is for general purpose only, consult an expert for more details.