But all these years Rasna has been satisfied only by drinking tea. But now turn your eyes to a little health, friend. So you can mix a spoonful of pure honey with your morning tea. Thanks to this natural ingredient, several diseases will be kept away.
In fact, tea contains enough antioxidants. Mixing it with honey increases its quality several times. Meanwhile, honey contains some very beneficial minerals, vitamins, amino acids and phenolic compounds. All these elements together protect the body from various problems. So without further delay let's look at the quality of honey tea.
1. Siddhahast to increase immunity

Honey tea is rich in antioxidants. So it is very important to increase immunity . And if the immunity is strong, it can be easily protected from the outbreak of viruses and bacteria.
Incidentally, honey has been used in our country for thousands of years. Even the ancient sages of India were aware of honey's immune boosting role. Hence honey has special importance in Ayurveda. That is why many Ayurvedic medicines are said to be mixed with honey.
2. Bacterial killer

All around us there is an organized world of bacteria. So if you are a little careless, this germ can attack the body. But there is no use in fear, rather caution is the key mantra. Research shows that honey contains a substance called MGO. This material plays a special role in killing bacteria. Honey tea works extremely well against even killer drug-resistant bacteria. In addition, it is also effective in curing various skin infections and skin ulcers.
3. Able to reduce inflammation

Our body is constantly undergoing metabolism. As a result, various types of harmful substances are created in the body. If these substances are not easily removed from the body, inflammation occurs in the body. Then multiple problems can arise including pain, swelling in various organs. You will be surprised to know that this problem can be easily solved by drinking a cup of honey tea a day. This will reduce inflammatory complications.
4. Best remedy for cold and cough

Now outbreaks of problems like cold, cough and fever are seen throughout the year. And many people start taking antiallergic, antibiotic and paracetamol only when they are affected by this disease. But before taking such medicine you can rely on home remedies. In this case, drinking honey tea regularly will get relief from the grip of problems like cold, cough and fever. Meanwhile, there will be no danger of any damage to the body. So from now on rely on honey tea to get rid of these problems. You will get results in hand.
5. Reduces the pain of tonsillitis

Many people suffer from tonsil problems since childhood. In this case tonsil gland swelling is very painful. Pain increases while eating or swallowing. You will be surprised to know that honey tea can also be useful in solving this problem. Consuming this tea regularly will reduce sore throat quickly. After some time, the comfort is met. In this case, 1 to 2 cups of honey tea a day can cure sore throat.