Tips For A Happy Marriage Life

Happiness in marriage is closely related to success and happiness in se'x life. A married life with sexual problems is more likely to be unhappy . But sex education is more important than sex problems. In the Indian subcontinent, sex education has no place in the curriculum. So when it comes to sex, married life, ninety percent of people grow up with wrong ideas. Therefore, they fall into small sexual problems. Sex life and marriage become toxic. Two parts of happiness in family. Namely:

A. Family Life or Marital Life:

Many people have no sexual problems but cannot have a happy sex life due to lack of relationship and understanding with their partner. Many people don't want to spend much time with family. Does not like to spend time with wife and children. You have to remember, first of all family atmosphere, good relationship, friendship and understanding then sex life. Physical relationship (sex life) is not happy by maintaining emotional distance.

b. Sex Life: A successful and happy sex life requires:

1) Romanticism:

It is true that not all people are romantic but a little romantic is necessary for a happy married life. Also life without juice can become boring and monotonous so try to be romantic yourself. Act a little more modestly if necessary. Life is a stage. Spread romance between your partner! Make unexpected sexual gestures or gestures to the wife when necessary. Remember to maintain occasional physical contact with your spouse. Physical closeness reduces emotional distance.

2) Concepts about foreplay and practice of foreplay:

What is foreplay (Foreplay) or Horny?

Foreplay is the process of preparing oneself for intercourse, especially the woman, i.e. the art of properly arousing before physical intercourse. Foreplay (English: Foreplay) is a mental and physical activity before intercourse that increases sexual desire. Foreplay without foreplay can cause extreme discomfort. For women in particular, sex life can seem like a cursed life. Many women consider sex without foreplay almost rape.

How long to foreplay?

There are no hard and fast rules. However, sexual desire of the partner should be continued until it is aroused. Sometimes strong libido can come in thirty seconds and sometimes it may take five to ten minutes.

What are the signs to understand that foreplay is complete?

1) The speed of breathing will increase and the partner will feel excited.

2) Camras will come out of the vagina and the vagina will become wet and slippery.

3) The partner will be desperate for union.

If these symptoms appear, you should wait before intercourse. Even after foreplay, if the wife's vaginal tract is dry, then you can check whether foreplay is being done correctly. Foreplay is a matter of practice and can be gradually mastered. You just have to think about it. If the penis is relaxed due to foreplay, ask your wife to touch the penis or gently rub the penis in the vagina. I hope it will help. Remember that foreplay is a joint affair in which both men and women become active.

Major misconceptions:

The main misconception about sex is that many men consider sex to be their only pleasure. Some consider women as objects of enjoyment. Wants to care about his happiness or pleasure or desire. With such misconceptions, sex becomes a one-sided boring process. And woman's life will be bitter and joyless.

1) Flirting and flirting with body touching: Husband-wife relationship should be sweet, understanding and flirting. In English, these relations are called relations of jokes. Such relationships are between husband and wife, friends, peers, brother-in-law and sister-in-law. In these relationships there is laughter, jokes and banter. Another type of relationship is the relationship of avoidance. 

For example, father-in-law, father-in-law, mother-in-law, mother-in-law, sister-in-law, these relationships are relationships of respect. But if the problem is about the respect that the husband-wife relationship stands for. As many call you husband. This is not inevitable. That is, the relationship between husband and wife should be like friends, laughing and joking. Then it is possible to have a happy sex life. 

Here is the talk of body touch. Touching behavior between husband and wife (eg cuddling, tickling, mischievous- ) helps to reduce emotional distance. Such killings are necessary for a happy married life. That is, foreplay can start with light mischief, murder.

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2) Dirty talk or hot-soft talk and romance: This kind of talk sometimes works to make many women excited. However, excitement is a periodic thing. Foreplay starts with laughter-tamasha-teasing-teasing. Then a little dirty talk takes things a little deeper.

3) Touch him in different places: Touch works like magic. Everyone's weak spot may be different. Slowly the companion is known. Where he touches he feels pulsation. For example, the touch of a woman's hand works like magic for many men to get an erection.

4) Pay special attention to her ears, neck and neck: Closely connected and caressing these places will get the woman excited very quickly.

5) Massage particular sensitive areas: Many people may have sensitivity in many places. However, it is the common sensitive area (G spot) of the vagina and vulva. By touching or massaging these places, women's final libido comes and is bound to come.

Places that are more important:

A) Clitoris

b) G spot

c) vagina

Keep this list in mind before moving on to the final stages of foreplay and sex.

A) kiss

B) Lehn

c) beat (painlessly)

d) stinging (mild painlessly)

e) Penetration

There is no catch rule for fourplay. The bottom line is that foreplay is the primary part of sex that needs to be understood and acknowledged beforehand. If sex begins with foreplay, it has a 98% chance of success. Foreplay doesn't just prepare women for sex. Rather, it also plays a role in male performance. 

During foreplay, the man's penis secretes a thin, sticky saliva-like semen. Once it comes out, it becomes easier to have long-term sex later. Hope you understand the importance of foreplay. Don't think of sex as a taboo or an abomination Like our morning ritual or breakfast, this is also a very necessary routine, which relieves the body and mind of stress and burden.

3) Diet

Short term effective food milkshake:

1. Dates, nuts and milk milkshake. It is very effective. Can be consumed one hour before intercourse.

2. Ripe banana, milk and dates milkshake. This is also functional. Can be consumed one hour before intercourse.

3. Golden Milk: Egg, milk, almond milkshake; This is also effective but should be checked if there are digestive problems.

Foods that increase sex hormones to maintain good sexual health in the long term are:

1. black cumin

2. honey

3. beef

Nuts :

1. Cashew nuts

2. Peanuts


4. Peanuts

Fruits that work directly to eliminate erectile dysfunction

1. dates

2. Pomegranate

3. banana

4. oranges

Now follow the tips below. Hopefully the erectile dysfunction problem will go away. But read the entire article on erectile dysfunction from the link below.

1) Eat more food rich in sex hormones, egg and milk mixture with three types of nuts, kiss miss, honey, dates, beef, currants, watermelon etc.

2)Sexual exercise Do Kegel exercise or Irapingla pulse exercise. Watch the video on YouTube. Link continues. 10 minutes in the morning and 10 minutes at night.

3) Every month both husband and wife sex counseling session 30 minutes, take sex therapy from an experienced registered doctor as needed, it will reduce your dependence on medicine, increase self-confidence, which is very popular in the developed world. An experienced doctor will identify your weakness, give directions for a beautiful sexual intercourse.

4) Be romantic yourself and make your wife romantic too.

5) Sometimes two people chat, discuss hot and dirty things.

6) Ask the wife to wear attractive clothes.

7) Sleep early at night, walk in the morning, keep your weight under control.

8) Avoid family, or personal worries, all addictions, trust yourself.

9) Get treatment for heart disease, diabetes, hormone problems, kidney disease etc.

10) Most men may have a temporary problem for a few days, which gets better automatically, and if the problem continues for more than a month, a low dose medicine can be used under the supervision of an experienced doctor, and if you have a problem for a long time, do not delay or be ashamed. Get treatment.

11) Remember that drinking this milkshake of dates, almonds and milk will give you a lot of energy. The weakness will disappear on the next day like magic. If someone has digestive problems, they can have milkshake anytime 2-3 days a week. If someone has a problem with milk, leave out the milk and chew the rest. No need for separate sugar, because dates are very sweet.

12) Banana is a very easily available fruit, this banana is a reservoir of many qualities. Yes, it is also very helpful in enhancing male sexual performance. Banana provides a lot of energy to the body. It contains a special enzyme bromelain, which is helpful in preventing male sexual impotence. There are plenty of B vitamins, which provide plenty of energy during sex.

13) Researchers have found that those who are deficient in vitamin D are more likely to experience erectile dysfunction than those who have sufficient vitamin D in their bodies. This vitamin is very important for keeping blood vessels healthy. Blood circulation is poor without vitamin D, and affects almost everything in your body, including your ability to get stronger.

14) Vitamin B-3 helps increase blood flow and erectile function and its deficiency is one of the causes of erectile dysfunction.

Remember one thing, it is not possible to keep in mind so many vitamins and minerals. The way to keep vitamins and minerals normal is to eat fruits and vegetables. Vitamins come from fruits and vegetables. So eat fruits and vegetables regularly. Many people stay away from either one or both of the fruits and vegetables. Playing again is irregular. If your total health is good then your sexual health will also be good. So it is difficult to expect good performance with poor health.

How often can intercourse be done?

It has no binding rules. Each person's wishes and needs are different. For example, one does not like to eat 3/4 times or more if he does not eat, while others feel good after eating twice. The same rules apply in the world of sex. There are no rules. The husband and wife only need it. It is not prohibited to do so. The best rule is that both people want it, no one has any objections.

A few special tips:

1) Don't forget to have sex in different positions.

2) You can use double condom if you have problems with premature ejaculation. Read more about fast ejaculation from this link.

3) Experiment with different tastes of sex, which one you find more fun.

4) Exercise for 30 minutes every day. good luck

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