Mother Breastfeeding Rules - For Good Child

Breastfeeding should be done immediately after birth. Mother's milk should be the baby's first food. After birth, many people put sugar and candy water or honey in the baby's mouth. It's not right.   In this, the child is deprived of the necessary nutrition at that time. Apart from this, the baby's digestive system is not suitable for digesting food like honey. So there is some risk of setbacks.

Why does the newborn not eat 'breast milk' after birth? What is milk?

A newborn does not want to breastfeed immediately after birth . But you have to get used to it. The milk that the baby gets in the first two-three days after birth is called colostrum. This shaldudh will prepare the immune system of the baby's body so this shaldudh is very important for the baby . And this  milk is called the first vaccination of the child .  This curd milk protects the baby from constipation and jaundice . So it is better to give breast milk to the baby within 04 hours to 06 hours after birth.

Breastfeeding rules

Breastfeed the newborn until six months of age

Breast milk is the only and ideal food for newborns up to six months of age. From six months onwards, the baby should be given complementary foods in addition to mother's milk to meet its nutritional needs i.e. for normal growth and development. But there is no need to feed any milk other than breast milk till the age of two years. Mother's milk contains all kinds of nutrients. Apart from this, the yellow colored milk that is secreted after birth is very important in the prevention of newborn diseases.

Breast milk is easy to digest, pure and has anti-inflammatory properties which greatly reduces the risk of any infection. Breastfed babies have a lower risk of asthma, respiratory disease, obesity, type-1 diabetes, otitis media, gastrointestinal problems (diarrhea, vomiting), and sepsis (sudden infant death syndrome). Mothers who breastfeed have a lower risk of high blood pressure, diabetes, breast and uterine cancer. But baby foods available in the market do not offer the same protection as mother's milk. As a result, the risk of contracting various diseases increases.

How to breastfeed breast milk

It is important to remember the following points while breastfeeding a newborn:

1. The mother must eat a balanced diet to ensure the nutrition of the newborn.

2. The mother should drink one to two glasses of water or liquid food before each feeding.

3. There should be no rush while breastfeeding. Be calm, eat patiently.

4. If you want to sit and eat, you should sit comfortably with a pillow on the mother's back and under her lap. If you want to feed a sleeping baby, you should lie facing the mother in such a way that the mother can hold the baby up to the back with her hands.

5. Care should be taken not to put pressure on the baby's nose.

6. Each breast feeding should be done well from one breast. Because, first thin and then thick milk comes out.

7. Breast milk should be given to the baby for two consecutive hours. There is no problem even if you take a break of four hours continuously while sleeping at night.

How long can mother's breast milk be stored?

8. Working mothers can store breast milk to feed the baby at the right time so that the baby does not lack breast milk even during working hours. In that case, pump the milk whenever you get home from work and store it in the fridge. However, cold milk cannot be taken out of the refrigerator and given to the child. Put the milk container in a bowl of hot water and shake it to make it palatable for the baby.

9. If the mother is infected with corona, wash her hands thoroughly with soap and water and breastfeed the baby wearing a mask.

How and when to breastfeed the baby?

Breast milk should be given to the baby immediately after waking up every morning. Many children when breast milk? How to give? There is no end to thinking about this. The easiest way to get your baby to breastfeed is to supply on demand. That is, whenever the baby is hungry or cries due to hunger or wakes up after a long sleep, it is better to breastfeed the baby. But children usually want to eat after 02 or 03 hours. Each feeding time should not exceed 10 to 15 minutes . While breastfeeding, the baby should be fed with the head up or on the lap. It is not right to eat lying down. Lying down can cause the milk to pass through the mouth into the ear and the ear may become infected.

During breastfeeding, the baby's face will cover most of the mother's nipple or nipple and the lips will be exposed. If the baby does not want to drink milk at first, if necessary, the mother can put some milk on the baby's lips with her hand. If the nipple touches the baby's face, the baby will seek milk. But you should not rush, you should eat only when the baby says yes.

What to do if the mother does not have breast milk after the baby is born?

First of all, I want to say that the only way to make breast milk for the mother is through breastfeeding. Formula milk should not be given to the baby. Because if the baby does not draw milk, the breast milk will not come down. And will gradually reduce the mother's milk and deprive the baby of breast milk. In the first day of birth, many times the newborn may not get enough breast milk due to various reasons. There is nothing to be excited about in this situation. Due to anxiety at this time, many people put the baby's mouth in a feeder or packaged milk, which is not right at all. At this time, if you have to give cow milk, then it is not right to give it to the feeder.  You have to spoon it out, that too just for that day . Nothing should be done without the advice of a pediatrician in this regard.

Foods to increase breast milk

There are certain foods that can stimulate milk production. Here are some foods that can increase breast milk supply.

1. Fenugreek Seeds: Fenugreek seeds are a natural and effective way to increase breast milk supply. Some studies suggest that fenugreek seeds can help breast milk production. These seeds contain hormone precursors that can increase milk production, but researchers aren't yet sure how this happens. Some researchers believe that fenugreek seeds can stimulate milk production because the sweet glands in the breast are altered. Breast milk increases within 24 to 72 hours of consuming these seeds. A 2016 review study supports this benefit of fenugreek seeds. You can drink fenugreek tea or take fenugreek supplements / methi capsules as per doctor's advice.

2. Fruits and vegetables: There are many reasons to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, one of the benefits of which is that these foods can contribute to breast milk growth. Margaret Buxton, CNM DNP, of Baby & Company says: Fruits and vegetables provide the nutrients the body needs to make milk. You can add a variety of fruits and vegetables to your salads, snacks, and recipes to increase your breast milk supply.

3. Water: Dr. Buxton advises breastfeeding women to drink plenty of water, as breastfeeding removes a lot of water from the mother's body. "Breastfeeding should quench thirst with water instead of sugary soft drinks or soft drinks," she says. Drink more water than usual at this time. Make it a habit to drink a glass of water every time you feed your baby. If you don't drink enough water, you won't get the benefits of fenugreek. '

4. Herbal Tea: Pam Pinto, Notary Public of the Act Natural Health and Wellness says: “Drinking herbal tea can cure many diseases and some herbal teas can increase milk production and energy levels.” Nettle T. Nettle contains high levels of iron, which relieves fatigue. This herb can also play a role in milk production.

5. Fennel: Fennel salads, fennel seeds, fennel soups and fennel recipes – no matter how you eat it, this herb can be especially helpful in increasing lactation or milk production. Notary Pam Pinto says, 'If you want to increase the amount of milk in your breasts, you can add raw fennel to salads or eat it cooked with other vegetables. Another way to get lactation benefits from this flavor-rich herb is to drink fennel seed tea or fennel seed tea. '

6. Garam masala: Garam masala is a popular ingredient in vegetables. Garam masala is a mixture of different spices which when used in curry increases the taste of the food manifold. You can make your own garam masala at home with peppercorns, cinnamon, cloves, cardamom, coriander seeds, cumin seeds, fennel seeds, nutmeg and bay leaves. This blend of spices has various health benefits. It is called garam masala because it can heat the body. You can increase the amount of garam masala in the curry to increase the amount of milk in your breast. "Hot spices can act like estrogen in the body," says surgeon Ryan Neinstein of NYC Surgical Associates. Recent studies have shown that this blend of spices can stimulate a significant increase in milk production.

Is breast milk really low?

In most cases, newborn cries are interpreted as hunger cries. But it's not true. Newborns cry whenever there is discomfort or distress. Abdominal pain, wet clothes, cold etc. in any case but crying of newborn. Rubbing cloths can also irritate newborn skin which is very sensitive. Even the baby cries to get up in his arms. Therefore, when a baby cries, it is important to think about not only feeding, but also other things.

Is the baby really getting less milk?

In some cases the baby may not actually be getting enough milk. They need to know. And if there is any problem it should be solved. Check if you have any of the following symptoms:

1. Whether the child urinates at least 7-8 times throughout the day. Otherwise, the baby may not get enough milk. However, note that the newborn may not urinate for the first two days after birth. This is normal.

2. Whether the baby is gaining weight. The baby loses weight in the first 7 days after birth. But since then the weight continues to increase. If it does not grow, there may not be enough milk.

3. The baby cries a lot. Milk eats properly and remains calm. But after a while he started crying again. In many cases, mothers only breastfeed once in a while. As a result, even if the amount of milk received by the baby is correct, both breasts receive relatively thin milk (foremilk) from the front. And the back does not get milk. As a result, after some time the child becomes hungry again and starts crying.

If these symptoms are present, it can be assumed that the baby is not getting enough milk. Questions arise as to why the baby is not getting enough breast milk or why the mother is not getting enough breast milk. For this reason, knowing a little inside will be beneficial.

Is it right to feed the baby feeder milk?

If the baby is given a feeder on the first day, the baby does not want to breastfeed later on. Because, pumping breast milk is more difficult for him than the feeder. For this reason, it is better not to make the child accustomed to the feeder. In addition, there is a risk of stomach upset for the feeder. There is no such risk in breast milk. After each feeding, the baby should be placed on the upper side with the head on the shoulder and patted on the back lightly. After doing this for a while, the baby will start to cry. After lifting the sling, the baby should be laid down. If you do this regularly then the baby will not vomit after eating .

Breast milk is a good natural food for newborns. For the first six months after the baby is born, doctors recommend only breastfeeding. Breast milk provides the complete nutritional needs of the baby. But proper breastfeeding is very important. Like today, we will talk about something new here.

Al-Qur'an injunctions to breast-feed the child

Breast milk is the best food for a baby after birth. Allah creates breast milk for every newborn baby. which is mildly sweet and warm; Which is especially beneficial for the delicate condition of newborn babies.

In order to encourage breastfeeding of newborns, Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam said, 'The obligation to fast in Ramadan has been removed from breastfeeding and pregnant women. (Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi, Nasa'i and Mishkat)

One and a half thousand years ago, Islam declared the importance of giving mother's milk to children in modern medical science. Allah Ta'ala has given clear instructions in the Qur'an about breastfeeding a newborn baby.

In verse 14 of Surah Luqman, Allah says, 'I have commanded man to be kind to his parents. His mother accepts the hardship and conceives him. He was then weaned within two years. '

In another verse Allah says, 'Mothers will give milk to their children for two full years. (Surah Baqarah: Verse 233)

From the discussion of Quran and Hadith it is understood that
the duration of breastfeeding is two full years from birth according to the lunar month. This period can be extended by another six months if the child needs it.

Tablets to increase breast milk

Doctors often prescribe domperidone malaria group drugs to increase breast milk. Various drugs in this group are Amidon, Don A, Peridone etc. These drugs are not actually drugs to increase breast milk. But taking them as per doctor's advice will increase your appetite. It also increases breast milk. Many doctors often recommend taking Mumvit tablets without domperidone group drugs. Also some other tablets are available which are –

Urtica Urens is an excellent medicine for increasing breast milk. Ricinus communis; Resinous medicine is claimed to be superior in increasing breast milk production. It can even bring milk to the breasts of virgins and widows.

Pulsatilla Pratensis: The medicine can increase breast milk in most cases. It works best on those who are cold-tempered and have little watery eyes.

On the other hand, to reduce or dehydrate breast milk, take one of the herbs (Chionanthus Virginica, Fragaria Vesca, Lac Caninum) (30 or 200 potency) three times a day for several days.

Remember to take medicine as per doctor's advice to avoid complications. Here only medicines are not given, feeding is not mentioned.

After all, it is better to increase breast milk by eating nutritious food than by taking drugs to increase breast milk. It is good for the mother's body as well as for the baby.

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