How To Stop Headache Immediately At Home

It is impossible to find a person who never has a headache. And once you get a headache, it doesn't go away easily. In this condition it is not possible to do any work with concentration. More or less everyone has to take medicine sometimes to get rid of headache.

It is difficult to find a person in the world who has never had a headache in his life. Headaches occur for various reasons. These include anxiety, migraines, excessive smoking, overuse of painkillers, dehydration, etc.

Headaches are often caused by stress and the effects of rest. Anyway, if the head is stuck or hurts, then you have to sleep for a while and you will see that it will go away. And if the headache is increasing day by day, then you must consult a doctor.

But one thing to keep in mind is that if you have a headache, it is not right to take painkillers without consulting a doctor. These painkillers have many side effects.

I have talked a lot, now let's go to the main discussion, if the main topic of today's post is home treatment of headache,   then let's know the cause of pain and how to get rid of headache at home.

In the beginning, do not know what is the cause of headache?

What causes headaches?

Before home remedies for headache, it is important to know the cause of headache. If you know the causes of headache, you can be more aware of it. This has been discussed in detail in our previous post, if you want  you can read the post on the symptoms of headache . However, here are some possible causes of headaches.

  • Migraine
  • Cold or flu
  • brain tumor
  • Dehydration
  • stress
  • Sinocytic
  • Consuming alcohol
  • Menstruation and menopause
  • Headache due to vision problems.

What to do if you have a headache

Headache is a daily problem that makes our daily life miserable. Almost everyone, young and old, suffers from headaches at various times for various reasons. Many suffer from migraines.

This type of pain starts suddenly and can last up to 3-4 days. Many people turn to doctors for pain relief, many take painkillers. But you know what? There are some natural home remedies for headache that can easily get rid of this headache problem. Let's see what those ways are.

Ginger and ginger tea for headache relief

Ginger has no match for headache relief. Because it contains 'prostaglandin synthesis' which is aspirin used as a pain reliever in painkillers. So when headache starts you can eat ginger, if necessary you can take a piece of ginger and chew it. It will relieve headache quickly. Apart from this, you can boil a cup of water and add a little ginger to it and boil it with a little honey and drink ginger tea. It will also get relief from headache quickly.

You can chew a piece of fresh ginger and it will relieve headache in 60 seconds. Ginger has a bit of a bad smell but the method works.

Ice bags for headache relief

Many sizes of ice bags are available in the market. Fill an ice bag with ice and keep it on the scalp for a while. You will see relief from headache. However, those who are prone to sudden colds should not follow this method in any way.

Sweet pumpkin seeds for headache relief

Eating sweet pumpkin seeds can get rid of headaches quickly. Because sweet pumpkin seeds contain a lot of magnesium sulfate, which works to relieve headaches. So you can eat sweet pumpkin seeds to relieve headache.

Peanuts for headache relief

Sometimes weather, dust causes headaches, and sometimes stress also causes headaches. You can chew a handful of peanuts to reduce this kind of pain. Almonds contain 'salicin' which acts as a pain reliever and heals pain quickly.

Listen to music to relieve headaches

In addition to relaxing, listening to music is one of the best ways to relieve headaches. A study published in the Journal of Pain found that listening to music reduced pain by about 117%. Because listening to music attentively keeps our attention away from the headache which often makes us forget about the headache. It cures headache.

Massage for headache relief

By massaging the veins on both sides of the neck for a while with finger tips, you will get relief and get rid of fatigue. This massage is very beneficial for headaches due to fatigue.

Or apply essential oil to fingertips and massage forehead and veins. Massaging with aromatic flavored oils such as lavender or peppermint can help relieve headaches.

Headache relief by dimming the light

Excessive light often causes headaches. So if you have a headache, reduce the light in the room. Try to sleep if you can.

Stay away from screens to relieve headaches

Stay away from computer screens, laptops or mobile phones if you have a severe headache. Wear quality sunglasses to protect yourself from the sun when going outside.

Tea and coffee for headache relief

You can have tea and coffee. Caffeine present in tea or coffee works well to reduce headaches. And by mixing ginger-salt and honey in black tea, you get relief from headache.

Salted apple for headache relief

If the pain is severe, you can try this home remedy. You can chew a piece of apple but sprinkle some salt on it. It will help relieve pain quickly.

Drink water to relieve headache

Even a sip of water will help you get rid of a headache within a minute. Getting more water out of your body than you take in can cause headaches. Many of us do not understand when the body is dehydrated. Not only vomiting or diarrhea but excessive sweating can lead to dehydration. So it is important to drink water, when the body becomes moist, the pain gradually decreases. You can drink water to cure headache.

Solution: Drink at least two liters of water a day. If you have a headache, try drinking more water.

Acupressure for headache relief

Many people have been using acupressure to relieve headaches for years. This little home remedy will help you get rid of headaches in a minute.

Press the center of the left thumb with the thumb and forefinger of the other hand and massage in a circular motion. Do the same with the right hand. Experts say that doing this will hopefully cure the headache within a minute.

Headache due to oversleeping

You work 10 hours a day all week and are healthy, but on vacation you wake up with a headache after a long nap. The reason for this is that when the stress suddenly decreases, a type of hormone decreases in the head. If you have such a headache, don't panic. It doesn't just happen to you alone.

Solution: If you're tempted to oversleep on vacation, resist it. Sleeping more than eight hours can cause this headache.

Headache from lack of sleep

For many people, lack of sleep increases the brain's ability to feel pain, resulting in mild headaches. If so, headache may occur. And if sleep is less, frequent headaches can occur. So get enough sleep.

Certain foods can cause headaches

Tea, coffee, Coca-Cola or soft drinks can cause this type of headache. Because it contains caffeine which can cause headaches.

Solution: If you find yourself feeling light-headed after drinking these drinks, drink less of them.

Irregular eating and drinking can cause headaches

Irregular eating or not eating can cause headaches. The body makes a type of sugar from the food we eat. It is brain food. If not eaten, this sugar decreases in the blood. And it can cause headaches. The sugar I am talking about here is not tea making sugar.

Solution: Eating meals on time cannot be omitted. Even if you have a headache, you should eat on time.

Lying down all day can cause headaches

Headaches can occur if your exertion is low. You understand the solution. Can exercise regularly.

Headache due to tension

This headache is a very common problem. Stress over something can cause headaches. So you need to resolve what you are stressing about.

Headache medicine

But one thing to keep in mind is that if you have a headache, it is not right to take painkillers without consulting a doctor. These painkillers have many side effects.

Know one thing before taking medicine. What is causing your headache? To find out whether it is a migraine headache or something else, read the headache symptoms post. The type of anxiety headache we are talking about is mild to moderate pain that is not too severe. You can do normal activities of the day with that pain. This type of headache is usually accompanied by nausea or vomiting. Walking does not relieve headache. Migraine headaches are more likely if they are present. However, if the headache is too much, you can take medicine with the doctor's advice.

our talk

We have tried to discuss in detail about home remedies for headache in today's article. Hope you benefited. Like today, I will talk here in a new post.

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